What Is Treason



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2 Full Documentaries
$9.99One Time
You get:
  • Two Full 2-Hour Exclusive Documentaies
  • Full Documentary: What is Treason? #Trafficked
  • Full Documentary: What is Treason? #Invaded
  • Jam Packed with Jaw-Dropping Revelations
  • Thought-Provoking Insights
  • Behind the Scenes Packages
  • Long Form Interviews
  • Real Story Behind the Headlines
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$14.99One Time
You get:
  • Full Documentary (All Included)
  • VIP Immediate Access to Behind the Scenes Packages
  • 20+ Long Form Interviews
  • Dive Headfirst into the Rabbit Hole
  • Interviews with American Patriots, Journalists, Whistleblowers, and even Bounty Hunters
  • Stay One Step Ahead of FAKE NEWS!




4.6 out of 5 stars (based on 19 reviews)
Very good0%

Well documented. Excellent questions. Terrifying answers. Great coverage.

September 16, 2024

If you are not awake to what is going on in this country. If your not aware of what is happening at our southern border. This Documentary will! General Flynn had said there are political elites that are involved with pedophilia. It’s time to name the names! It’s time to clean house! If timing is everything? The time is now! Good job JJ and Ryan!

Josh Markham-Gallegos

This is a Call for Repentance and Prayer

September 16, 2024

Lord have mercy! This in-your-face style documentary is just what we need to wake up and help God’s children. This nation better repent and pray before it is too late.

Kim Brown

Wake up!

September 15, 2024

I cannot wait until these governmental pedos get caught! Not soon enough. This is happening to children, everyday, every hour and every minute. Thank you to the brave filmmakers for exposing what is unsaid!

Gina Sutton


September 15, 2024

They spew facts faster than you can take it in, clear, indisputable, backed up facts. It encompasses the entire issue at hand and doesn’t just focus on one small facet of trafficking. They interview so many people and edit it absolutely perfectly. This documentary will you have glued to your seat in horror of this divesting crisis on our hands.

Jessica Long

Great idea, concept but poor audio quality

September 15, 2024

I love the guys who put this documentary together. God bless them. Especially, JJ who also shared his mission on a UTUBE podcast Saved to Serve. But the last 35-40 minutes of it, the audio was so garbled I couldn’t understand anything. For that reason, I gave them 2 stars. I’;d overlook 2-5 minutes of poor quality BUT 35 minutes plus ?

Anthony Simpkins

A must watch

September 15, 2024

The truth is revealed and it is sickening! Everyone pulling the strings has gotten away with this for far too long and it is time for the American people to hold them accountable. All children matter.


Sound of Freedom 9.0

September 15, 2024

This is the film that Sound of Freedom should have been. Jam packed with info showing step by step how and why our government is complicit with the disappearance of hundreds of thousands of children. Shocking!

Matt Long

Are you ready....to see the truth

September 15, 2024

Brilliant Ryan..

an eyeopening documentary highlighting the dark side of our so called leaders.. a must watch.. best doco of 2024..



September 15, 2024

Thank you Ryan, you did a GREAT job putting together the interviews in exposing the pedophilia demonic child trafficking/organ harvesting. The U.S. GOV’T/CARTELS are responsible for these atrocities.

The video is phenomenal, it will go down in HISTORY. I’m buying 3 copies for starters to get it out so others will see this. How about a link/site to pay it forward so others can see this video through donations?

I was in tears & on my knees praying. My heart breaks. I can’t stop crying, just thinking of the children.

Again THANK YOU ALL🙏🏼I will continue to pray for ALL your protection. Much love brother. God bless🙏🏼💗

S.Tucker aka SHEVEE

Unparalleled Rivoting Truth-PURE Documentary Gold

September 15, 2024

I’ve never been so surprised & moved by a documentary as I was watching Trafficked #ThisIsTreason. The information is irrefutable, harrowing and raw-it is EXACTLY what every American should be required to watch ASAP. I literally could not stop watching it! Massive thanks and congratulations to Ryan & J.J. You guys brought the ugly truth down on its knees in one of the most pressing topics in a phenomenal documentary. This will forever be remembered as an iconic film by brave American’s leading the Alternative Media Movement. This film exceeded all expectations & exposes the crimes of the US government at the height of it’s criminal facilitation of the world’s largest, ever growing child trafficking operation. 5/5 stars! PHENOMENAL

Destiny Rezendes
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