What Is Treason


4.7 out of 5 stars (based on 34 reviews)
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September 18, 2024

This was the best overall picture I have seen of this shocking problem.

The prayer at the end was very close to my own recent prayers – brought me to tears of hope!

Juha Sihvonen

Definitive Proof of Treason

September 18, 2024

I was extremely impressed with the evidence brought forward and the way it was presented. Frankly, a bulletproof case is made in just the first 15 minutes. This is a film that can be shown to anyone, regardless of political or ideological persuasion. The evidence is gut-wrenching, but the message is necessary if we ever hope to fix the problem which is growing daily. A sincere thank you to the filmmakers who worked tirelessly to bring this evil to light.

Adam Riva

Must watch

September 18, 2024

Thank you for all you hard work. If anyone watches this documentary and they don’t understand how bad the child trafficking pandemic is then there is something wrong with them. Share with your friends loved ones and stranger. Please donate to the givesendgo if you are able to. This all needs to come to the light. All of these people in this documentary are hero’s I will not forget their names or the sacrifices they have made to bring this to the Light. Thank you Aaron Stevenson for sharing your story so the rest of the world could see. JJ Carrell and Ryan Matta thank you for putting this sad situation in a way people will be able to understand and share.


Our government = big cartel

September 17, 2024

Thanks for the wishleblowers that exposed how evil our government is. I felt sick and pray for God to help good citizens to held bad people accountable. Pray for the innocent victims to be rescued and God’s forgiveness to America.

Norma Serrano

A Christian Force Majeure that will, under, by, & with God & the Heavenly Host rout the Satanists!

September 17, 2024

This is the best, most potent, and effective call to action that I have ever witnessed. Akin to FDR’s 7 December 1941 Speech declaring War on the Empire of Japan, “This Is Treason” will surely rally Americans to immediately shack off their lethargy, come to full realization of the hard task before us, and resolutely & decisively go on a well-co-ordinated Full Spectrum Dominance Offensive, like David against Goliath, and God-willing utterly and miraculously slay the “Giant”/Leviathan, the Enemy Within, that has, until held almost all the levers of power while increasingly, brazenly, and deliberately showing their self-delusional, self-doomed wickedness. Their time in power, which actually is a demonstration that these are the long-prophesied Endtimes [the Whore of Babylon is literally said to drink the blood of the martyred saints!], is short, and according to Biblical prophesy [Matthew 24]: “no flesh shall be spared, save for the sake of the Elect…that the times [of destruction] shall be shortened…”

Our misanthrope, elite adversaries are fulfilling the Biblical prophesies about the necessary rise of the Antichrist system as a result of fallen, apostate humanity’s refusal to honor and obey God and God’s laws. The Divine Redemption plan, as you well know, as described in the New Testament, tells us that, according to Revelations 3: 6-12 that those of the true, righteous Apostolic Mission, those of the Church of Philadelphia will be protected, even from That Hideous Strength evoked by C.S. Lewis, which adequately describes the technocratic, totalitarian, globalist-utopian, Beast System emerging before our weary eyes.

The Church of Philadelphia is the only Church & “Church Age” [the 7 Churches prophesy 7 Church Ages that follow the Crucifixion] that is NOT rebuked and the which is praised: “to those that have kept the faith…& hold the Key of David…I will make them that are of the Synagogue of Satan, and say they are jews, and are not, and do lie…come & bow down and worship before you.”

Therefore, the Church of Philadelphia corresponds to the American founding under God-fearing, God-loving & honoring, righteous leadership in PHILADELPHIA, who founded the prophesied New Israel, the USA.

The last, seventh Church of Laodicea [L.A.odicea], describes our time of lukewarm, lackadaisical faith corrupted by Los Angeles’ Hollywood, degenerate, and now openly satanic popular culture filled with perversion, violence, and atheistic nihilism.

In short, there is nothing to worry about if and only if we maintain the Apostolic mission by keeping our thoughts, words, and deeds in harmony with God’s laws. By humbly confessing our sins, contritely repenting, and praying for God’s hand to continue to guide our lives, we can successfully endure even the Endtimes’ prophesied Time of Tribulation and unprecedented persecution.

May God Bless you and your family and friends all the more. Thank you, for all of us tear-worn Americans and people of the world who have or had nearly or entirely given up on the principle of salvaging a righteous remnant from among a neglected, embittered, and nearly defeated citizenry and recovering the righteous, God-fearing & God-loving Entschlossenheit that made America good as a result of which she became great.

May God continue to Bless All of Us as we now form a Gideon’s Army and with righteous indignation: gather evidence, expose, identify, arrest, and prosecute with the full measure of the law all Child Traffickers and their accomplices, domestically and internationally. Declare the Child & Drug Trafficking Cartels Terrorist Organizations, Reinstitute the Draft with exceptions made for a substitute Civilian Infrastructure Work Force with mandatory service for all able-bodied males age 17-25, including all qualified illegal alien males, and raise an Army that becomes a United Army of the Americas among willing Ibero-American nations, starting with El Salvador to drive both the Cartels and the People’s Republic of China and all Communist regimes out of our hemisphere under the rightly reasoned application of the Monroe Doctrine. That the PRC brazenly assists the manufacture and transportation of fentanyl and crystal methampthetamine into the USA is grounds enough to declare them an Enemy of the Nations of the Americas.

Finally, let us now face the grim reality that since, 1949, the Communist Party of China declared a 100 Year Plan to utterly defeat the United States of America. See the book by two Chinese Communist Army Colonels: “Unconventional Warfare”. See the zoom video presentations of the “Committee on the Present Danger: China” immediately after watching this film. Communist China has successfully encircled North America, Europe, and the Middle East under the guise of win-win development for resources and debt-service with developing nations. They now control many key transit, infrastructure, and resource source corridors, including harbors worldwide as they build a replacement for the Panama Canal. It is virtually impossible that we are not going to eventually face a World War with China. Worse, the BRICS Alliance led by Russia and China are rapidly moving to replace the petrodollar as reserve currency with a gold-backed, global reserve currency.

Therefore, our battle against Child Trafficking Cartels and their Accomplices can not be easily separated from the multi-front War on America and western civilization. It far past time to openly acknowledge that our Enemy Within is working with the Enemy Without, the globalist WEF and the London-centered financier oligarchy, directing the Marxist Marcher Lords to economically and finally, decisively conquer the West. They literally plan on invading North America with their militaries once the Nation is crippled as shown in the depraved Barack Obama’s end of the system film, “Leave The World Behind”, which he co-wrote and co-produced.

If, on the other hand, we focus solely on Child Trafficking without addressing how the domestic Enemy Within is working according to a constantly adjusted, well-conceived, century+ long Fabian Socialist plan [since 1884, why George Orwell titled his book accordingly, given their 100 year plan] to demoralize, destabilize, destroy, and revolutionize the United States of America, then we will not be prepared to psychologically, spiritually, logistically, tactically, and strategically defeat them.

May the self-selected, new civilian

Rangers Lead the Way!

Paul Hinton

Veteran, SGT, 25th Light Infantry Division


Motto of the 27th Infantry “Wolfhounds” Regiment

[They know No Fear on Earth!]

Paul D Hinton

This is the most important issue in America right now. This is also the biggest danger we have faced in my lifetime!

September 17, 2024

Amazing documentary. The quality of this production is top tier. This subject is one that punches you in the gut. It is not something anyone wishes existed. We can’t ignore our problems and we need to face them head on. Educate yourself on the dangers at the border. There are other dangers not even covered in this like the Fentanyl crisis, terrorists entering our country, etc. No American should be ok with the rape, murder, and organ harvesting of women and children. I am not a big supporter of the death penalty, but this is a clear reason to have it as law for pedophilers. Trump is the only candidate that wants to do something about this. Make sure you vote so that we can get started on fixing this problem.

Paul Pastora

5 stars on film

September 17, 2024

This is a great way to bring awareness. There has to be a way we can do more to bring awareness. This would wake America up if we ALL saw it.


No way to contact you

September 17, 2024

I love your website and have ordered 2 videos from you. You need to have some way to contact you for anyone who might have questions concerning order updates or anything else.


We all knew it was happening

September 17, 2024

This wasn’t eye-opening.. we all knew it was happening. This is the type of documentary that makes you want to do something about it. Every member of Congress needs to watch this! They will call it a conspiracy… but not if half of America actually does something about it. Excellently done!

Jennifer Thorpe


September 17, 2024



Are you ready to take action?

September 17, 2024

This documentary was the worst thing I’ve seen. Not because of the filming or topic. Because it shows the underbelly of how bad our import and export industry on both sides of the isle is. It’s time to hold people accountable and make an example out of them for the sake of the children!!! Hold your local Sheriff and reps responsible. It’s up to YOU!!!


JJ Carrell a messenger of TRUTH

September 16, 2024

If this documentary doesn’t spark something within you, well I don’t what will. I am not an emotional person, but just the thought that at this very moment, a child is suffering at the hands of an individual, makes me sick. I will do my part of spreading this video and CALL TO ACTION to others.

Julio N Torres

Connects the Dots on Child Trafficking

September 16, 2024

If there is any future of free speech and justice for our children and grandchildren, they will study and write about this as they do the Holocaust. Child trafficking networks are just as organized and automated as the Final Solution.

This outstanding documentary visually flows and is well organized. The creators have connected the dots with credible sources to give clear insight to the inner workings of the US government child trafficking machine.

The heartbreaking part is to hear how many children are experiencing this trauma, even death, everyday in the US.

The stunning part is understanding exactly how our government is completely funding a massive child trafficking racket with taxpayer money, all the while protecting their colleagues in crime.

It’s also a call to action for patriotic citizens and every ethical, moral human being to do what they can in every corner of the United States to stop the atrocities committed by our own government.

The current administration must be voted out and anyone affiliated with it must be marginalized, if not investigated and sentenced. This shouldn’t be about an (R) or (D) but is a battle against evil itself.

Edel A

Heartbreaking, Inspiring, and Infuriating

September 16, 2024

I had an idea of what would be in this documentary, so I felt I was prepared. Come to find out I was not. My heart breaks for the children. I’m inspired by the amazing and diligent work of JJ and Ryan and the courageous whistle blowers. I am disgusted by our government and anyone that is involved and profits of this child trafficking network.

I pray that this documentary goes viral and is seen in the right places and by the right people.

To me it is an absolute MUST WATCH!

Andrea Lloyd, aka Hexlein72

Call to Action!!

September 16, 2024

I watched it twice, just to begin to absorb the enormity of what’s happening.

This is not a MUST SEE…it’s a MUST DO!!!

A call to action by God Himself!

David Fridlund

Well documented. Excellent questions. Terrifying answers. Great coverage.

September 16, 2024

If you are not awake to what is going on in this country. If your not aware of what is happening at our southern border. This Documentary will! General Flynn had said there are political elites that are involved with pedophilia. It’s time to name the names! It’s time to clean house! If timing is everything? The time is now! Good job JJ and Ryan!

Josh Markham-Gallegos

This is a Call for Repentance and Prayer

September 16, 2024

Lord have mercy! This in-your-face style documentary is just what we need to wake up and help God’s children. This nation better repent and pray before it is too late.

Kim Brown

Wake up!

September 15, 2024

I cannot wait until these governmental pedos get caught! Not soon enough. This is happening to children, everyday, every hour and every minute. Thank you to the brave filmmakers for exposing what is unsaid!

Gina Sutton


September 15, 2024

They spew facts faster than you can take it in, clear, indisputable, backed up facts. It encompasses the entire issue at hand and doesn’t just focus on one small facet of trafficking. They interview so many people and edit it absolutely perfectly. This documentary will you have glued to your seat in horror of this divesting crisis on our hands.

Jessica Long

Great idea, concept but poor audio quality

September 15, 2024

I love the guys who put this documentary together. God bless them. Especially, JJ who also shared his mission on a UTUBE podcast Saved to Serve. But the last 35-40 minutes of it, the audio was so garbled I couldn’t understand anything. For that reason, I gave them 2 stars. I’;d overlook 2-5 minutes of poor quality BUT 35 minutes plus ?

Anthony Simpkins

A must watch

September 15, 2024

The truth is revealed and it is sickening! Everyone pulling the strings has gotten away with this for far too long and it is time for the American people to hold them accountable. All children matter.


Sound of Freedom 9.0

September 15, 2024

This is the film that Sound of Freedom should have been. Jam packed with info showing step by step how and why our government is complicit with the disappearance of hundreds of thousands of children. Shocking!

Matt Long

Are you ready....to see the truth

September 15, 2024

Brilliant Ryan..

an eyeopening documentary highlighting the dark side of our so called leaders.. a must watch.. best doco of 2024..



September 15, 2024

Thank you Ryan, you did a GREAT job putting together the interviews in exposing the pedophilia demonic child trafficking/organ harvesting. The U.S. GOV’T/CARTELS are responsible for these atrocities.

The video is phenomenal, it will go down in HISTORY. I’m buying 3 copies for starters to get it out so others will see this. How about a link/site to pay it forward so others can see this video through donations?

I was in tears & on my knees praying. My heart breaks. I can’t stop crying, just thinking of the children.

Again THANK YOU ALL🙏🏼I will continue to pray for ALL your protection. Much love brother. God bless🙏🏼💗

S.Tucker aka SHEVEE

Unparalleled Rivoting Truth-PURE Documentary Gold

September 15, 2024

I’ve never been so surprised & moved by a documentary as I was watching Trafficked #ThisIsTreason. The information is irrefutable, harrowing and raw-it is EXACTLY what every American should be required to watch ASAP. I literally could not stop watching it! Massive thanks and congratulations to Ryan & J.J. You guys brought the ugly truth down on its knees in one of the most pressing topics in a phenomenal documentary. This will forever be remembered as an iconic film by brave American’s leading the Alternative Media Movement. This film exceeded all expectations & exposes the crimes of the US government at the height of it’s criminal facilitation of the world’s largest, ever growing child trafficking operation. 5/5 stars! PHENOMENAL

Destiny Rezendes

Best documentary of all time

September 15, 2024

This has been the best documentary of all time! What I love about this documentary is all the proof is there they provide video footage as well as links to government documents. No one can deny this documentary.!

Amber Hammerlind

Save the Children!

September 15, 2024

Ryan and JJ hit it out of park with this self funded documentary film. America is in a very dark time when we have the Uni Party in DC that is endorsing and funding this evil war on children. Thank you gentlemen for opening our eyes. Can’t wait for the Part 2 of the film.

Hernando A

Pray for our Nation

September 15, 2024

These interviews are profound. None of these people have anything to gain from giving the information they have provided. In fact, they will be ridiculed and attacked for what they’re saying. Please pray for these children and the brave whistle blowers speaking for those without a voice to speak. God is real and he will put an end to this.


Very eye opening and heart wrenching!

September 15, 2024

The sad truth about the dark side of our open border policies. Thank you to everyone who put in the hard work, I’m sure at times, heartbreaking and opening the eyes of people everywhere!

Carolyn Schmidt

Ordered not received

September 15, 2024

Incorrect address

Did not receive


Everyone must learn of this

September 14, 2024

This wasn’t easy to watch but everyone should watch it. It will move you to tears and hopefully to action. We cannot afford to let this evil continue to happen to children. We need to vote accordingly and MAKE our representatives listen. Email you local representative. Tell every one you know to watch this movie and take action for these children. We need a death penalty mandate for anyone convicted of sexually abusing children. If your representative doesn’t think that’s a good idea and won’t take action then you should ask yourself why they truly feel that way and why they refuse to help and vote them out. Time to wake up America! We need to take our country back out of the hands of evil and become one nation under GOD once again.


Thorough, Detailed, no spin

September 14, 2024

Just like his book, JJ provides nothing but facts. Facts that most journalists will not share. He is a great interviewer and gives everyone space to share.


This is an atrocity!

September 14, 2024

I cried through the whole documentary! Please please please watch and share this!

Judy Oxley

I know that you are being truthful and honest.

September 12, 2024

I am grateful and thankful to finally see the child sex trafficking happening addressed. God Bless

Niki Goodine